Frequently Asked Questions
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Your Frequently Asked Question
Q)  Is my credit card transaction in HWIN safe? What safeguards are built into HWIN to protect my financial information?
A)  The HWIN.ca site does not retain cardholder data. The government's security practices are continually evolving to ensure that the integrity and confidentiality of information and systems are maintained. The government uses up-to-date security safeguards to protect its networks and websites from misuse, alteration, copying, disclosure, destruction, monitoring or unauthorized sharing of information and damage. The government's safeguards include the use of security software and encryption protocols and involve physical, technical and procedural controls to protect information behind the government firewall. To further safeguard your financial information, the Ministry only accepts credit card payments for HWIN online; credit card payments received via other channels such as fax, email and mail will not be processed.


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