Frequently Asked Questions
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Your Frequently Asked Question
Q)  What is Regulation 347?
A)  Regulation 347 sets out requirements for the handling, storage, management and disposal of liquid industrial and hazardous waste in Ontario. It includes a comprehensive manifest system to track these wastes from the point of generation to their final disposal. The regulation also sets out requirements for generator registration and defines responsibilities for generators, carriers, and receivers of liquid industrial and hazardous waste.

Effective January 1, 2002, amendments to Regulation 347 require all generators to register their hazardous wastes annually. This requirement applies to generators of liquid industrial and hazardous waste in Ontario, as well as out-of-province generators that send their wastes to Ontario for disposal. Waste generators are responsible for payment of the following registration fees: 1). $50 base fee payable annually; 2). $5 for each manifest used to ship waste off-site; and 3). $30/tonne of hazardous waste generated.


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